The contrast between Microsoft and Sony’s strategies heading into Next Gen could not be any stronger. Where Microsoft has been exuding confidence and been incredibly transparent about their plans, Sony has been hiding in the dark, only allowing a few brief glimpses behind the curtain. Microsoft has already revealed their Next Gen console (Xbox Series X) at the Video Game Awards in December 2019, given a detailed breakdown of the console’s specs, (along with demonstrations of it in use), introduced Smart Delivery (games owned will be playable at best possible versions on hardware), and had a brief Third Party event to show some games. Sony, on the other hand, revealed the name and logo (Imagine that, the sequel to the PS4 is the PS5!), had a rather mundane presentation of the console specs (a lecture that was more undergrad Business 101 than console reveal), and posted a few pics of their new controller, the DualSense. As of May, they have yet to reveal what the PS5 even looks like, let alone a tech demonstration, or shown any games for it.

     This might seem like a molten lava-esque assessment of Sony’s strategy, but that is the impression made. While Microsoft is clearly playing to win, and going full throttle into Next Gen, Sony is playing “not to lose”, holding onto its lead from this generation, and trying desperately not to trip up. This is not some fanboy ramblings, or agenda-based spin; it’s just a true assessment of what I’m seeing. I love Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. Games are games, and all the companies make good hardware and games. I’m just not seeing too much exciting from Sony. So far, they have done nothing to inspire confidence heading into Next Gen at all. Currently Microsoft and Sony seem to be engaged in a game of Price Chicken, waiting for the other to blink first and announce the price of their console. But time is marching on, and sooner or later, they are going to run out of road before consumers need to see more, or market interest might be lost.

     I want both Sony and Microsoft to truly wow everyone heading into Next Gen, as the video game industry is better when the big dogs are both awesome. While Xbox has not been perfect in their presentation of things, they are at least trying and actively engaging with the community, while Sony hides behind their curtain. Sony can still wow the fans, (myself included), with an awesome console reveal and games showcase, as there is still time before the Holiday launch, but they need to get it together. They absolutely slayed it this generation, but they cannot afford to simply rest on their laurels and expect Next Gen to be a repeat of this one. Microsoft, under Phil Spencer’s leadership has dramatically upped their game, and are now ready for them.