The Occupation is a fascinating, politically charged, investigative thriller set in North-West England on October 24th, 1987. The player assumes the role of H.J. Miller, a renowned investigative journalist/writer, who is tasked with finding the truth behind a bombing at a political newspaper company. The game has a unique feature; the player is given an hour (fixed, real time) in each of four different missions (excluding the prologue), to gather clues and piece together leads and narratives, before meeting with an important party at the conclusion of each chapter. For a game without combat of any kind, it sure is filled with intensity and fear of being discovered, while snooping around offices trying to find the truth. As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that the cause of this tragedy is far from black and white.

The 80’s setting not only gives the game retro setting and aura, but directly affects gameplay as well.

     If you loved playing Gone Home, Tacoma, Edith Finch, and other exploratory narrative games, you should definitely check out this fascinating indie game by White Paper Games. Gameplay consists of sneaking around offices, sifting through documents, emails, memory disks (floppy disks), cassette tape audio recordings, all while trying to avoid security and making sure that the tasks are completed before attending a meeting at end of each chapter (except prologue). The 80’s setting not only gives the game retro setting and aura, but directly affects gameplay as well. Modern conveniences such as cell phones, screengrabs, and other current technological conveniences, are noticeably absent. Having to scan documents to fax them, save and burn from a floppy disk, or listening to vinyl and cassette tapes are both fun from a nostalgic perspective, and frustrating from a modern convenience point of view. I recommend this hidden gem, with the caveat that it isn’t for everyone in terms of being more of an exploratory investigative narrative game, than a traditional, more action-packed investigative thriller.

     Misc. Reviewed on Xbox One X. Game is X Enhanced, and the artistic visuals are eye catching. A fun, catchy retro soundtrack, which definitely takes the player back to the 80’s music scene.