In the year 2019, we have reached a crisis point in the entertainment industry. Films and Shows long held sacred, are now being besmirched by bigwigs at studios across the globe. With rumors spreading of potential reboots to The Princess Bride, The Office, Battlestar Galactica, and other masterclass properties, fans around the world are trembling. At what point does the industry stop? Will Casablanca, Gone With The Wind, Friends, and other timeless classics be defiled next? This is not to say that all reboots are bad, as there are examples of films and shows that are much better in their second iteration. But there are an elite few properties that should never be touched, and the industry has decided to go there. Fans love well-crafted sequels, spin-offs, etc. to beloved franchises when it makes sense, but the constant red-button reboot approach is concerning.