During Tuesday’s Game Stack Live, Kevin Gammill, Microsoft GM of Game Developer Experiences had a comment that immediately stands out. “What’s unique about gaming at Microsoft is that we build the tools for game developer and then we use them across our 16 first-party studios to actually create games. We recognize game development is about pushing technology to its absolute limits.” On the surface, this just sounds like a typical comment made by a speaker during opening remarks. The thing is, Microsoft only has 15 studios of which the public are aware (343, Coalition, Initiative, Ninja Theory, Undead Labs, Rare, Compulsion, Obsidian, Double Fine, Playground, Turn 10, inXile, World’s Edge, Mojang, and Xbox Global Publishing.) So, this immediately goes from a passing comment, to breaking news. Sixteen Studios would imply that Xbox has either created a new studio, or acquired one. One might ask, “What if it’s a typo, a mistake?” Well, this was a pre-recorded video for developers, so if it was incorrect information, it would presumably have been edited out. He was very clear and succinct when he said sixteen, so it wasn’t an error, in my opinion. Below, I’ll discuss who/what I think the “Sixteenth” studio could be.

     The first possibility is that they have created a new studio. Phil Spencer has been adamant in his desires to reach the Asian markets, so maybe he just built a studio in the region. That is certainly a possibility. Speaking of Asian markets, a big possibility is that Xbox was perhaps finally able to acquire a Japanese or Korean studio, which would give them a foothold in the lucrative market. Small to midsized studios in the area include White Owls, Grounding, and Mistwalker. There have been credible reports of Xbox “acquisition shopping” in Poland, which is a talent rich area for gaming. Among the notable studios in that region are Techland, People Can Fly, and yes, CD Red, (which I consider an acquisition pipedream, to be honest.) Techland would be a homerun acquisition, and, depending on how much you believe in reading something in to coincidences, might be a legit possibility. Techland recently delayed their eagerly anticipated game, Dying Light 2, right around the same time the reports came out about Xbox having been in in Poland looking for studios. Techland also never gave a firm timetable or definitive reason for a delay, just stating a vague response. This could just be the way they operate, and the delay is purely to ensure best quality of the game, or it could be a sign of something bigger at work (i.e., an Xbox acquisition). Asobo is another studio that makes perfect sense as the sixteenth studio. They have an extensive work history with Xbox, made the phenomenal Plague Tale, are working on Microsoft Flight Simulator, and are located in France, which would bring a new region into Xbox stronghold. They give me serious Ninja Theory vibes, as a smaller studio who punches way above their weight. Moon Studios have been a popular suggestion as the new studio, but that just isn’t likely. Moon has repeatedly made it abundantly clear, that they enjoy being independent, and wish to stay that way. Obviously, if their stance changed and they were open to acquisition, Xbox would be thrilled. Lastly, another option is that this new studio is one that no one expects, and comes from left field. Take inXile for example: not a peep was mentioned or rumored about them before they were announced as Xbox Family. I trust Phil’s judgment completely. Whomever they acquire will be awesome. If you are interested in reading a compiled list of studios that I believe would be great fits for Xbox acquisition, check out this piece I wrote on Pixel Owl.