Sea Salt is a fantastic strategy game set in a dark fantasy world. You (the player) are a sea god named Dagon, and are enacting your wrath upon subjects who dared to defy your will. You must utilize a variety of minions to destroy villages, defeat bosses, and enact your vengeance. Each minion is unique and has its own strengths and weaknesses. For example, Cultists are strong mages, but have a very weak defense. You must mix and match which units best pair with each-other, and fit your individual playstyle. Along with choosing units for a play session, you must choose an Apostle (hero), which will grant you unique abilities. For example, one Apostle is a mermaid who allows you to start with three Fishman units, and makes your squad stronger if smaller in size. Different paths to take, secrets to discover, and difficulties give the campaign high replayability. Along with the campaign, is an Arena where you can face off against waves of enemies in different scenarios. Sea Salt is available on Gamepass, and is a true hidden gem. I loved it so much that I bought it.