Halo: The Master Chief Collection (MCC) was an incredibly ambitious undertaking by 343. The MCC was a collection of all four Halo games featuring Master Chief. The campaigns of all four games, and all the multiplayer modes, maps, etc. were included. Sounds a bit overzealous right?  The MCC at launch, putting it bluntly, was a disaster. Matchmaking was horrendous, and there were numerous other issues running rampant as well. 343 set out immediately to rectify these issues, and to restore the community’s trust. It was a gargantuan undertaking to get all of these vastly different modes, features, textures, etc. up and running properly. Along with fixing the myriad of issues plaguing the MCC, 343 added Halo 3: ODST to the collection, free of charge for early purchasers of the MCC, and at a low price for everyone else. Fast forward a few years, and the MCC has exceeded expectations, with new features, regular updates, and more content coming soon. Just before E3 2019, 343 announced that they were adding Halo: Reach to the MCC and porting the entire collection to PC, as well. Now is absolutely the right time to jump in and play the MCC if you haven’t before, or to return and play it better than ever. Halo: The Master Chief Collection is definitely a must own game for Xbox players, and is a brilliant example of a game bouncing back from a terrible start to a beautiful status now.