Deadly Premonition is unlike anything else out there. The story and characters are cheesy/campy, and yet also incredibly deep and thoughtful. Playing through the game is like living out a lucid fever dream. Nothing makes sense until it makes complete sense all at once. Made by the creative mastermind Swery, Deadly Premonition is a story about an FBI Agent sent to a small, rural community to solve a series of brutal killings. This is, however, a detective thriller unlike anything else. The detective has personalities and frequently discusses the Case between them, and refers to the other all the time, like a separate person entirely. Seeing visions in coffee, running from a hooded axe murderer, and solving the mystery of the red seeds are among the notable recurring events in the game. The small town truly feels alive with a wonderfully diverse cast of citizens, with their own agendas and attitudes. The best way to describe the game is to call it a mix of Twin Peaks, Japanese philosophy, and B Movies. A true cult classic, the game is absurdly odd, yet wonderful in its own way. A very loyal and passionate fan following had been pushing for a sequel, and after all these years, Deadly Premonition 2 was announced at Gamescom. This sequel will be coming to Switch in 2020. Other platforms are currently unknown. A version of the original game, dubbed Deadly Premonition Origins, is now available on Switch. This is the perfect way to prepare yourself for the madness to come, with the sequel coming next year. The original Deadly Premonition is playable on Xbox One via Backwards Compatibility. If you like truly unique and bizarre games, then definitely check it out.