Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is without a doubt, one of the most influential games of all time, not just the decade. The game revolutionized the open world RPG genre, and has definitively inspired many titles that have come out since its release in November 2011. A time sink of gargantuan proportions, one can easily spend two hundred hours in this game world, and still not discover all the secrets, finish every quest, etc. It is a truly just a spectacular title.

     Being the Dragonborn is an experience that every gamer needs to embrace. While the Witcher III perfected the open world RPG with its incredible storytelling, world building, and gameplay, Skyrim deserves credit as the title to bring about this dawn of open world RPG nirvana. The game has been remastered and ported so many times that it has become a running gag, but the sheer desire for more of it is clear. Elder Scrolls VI is clearly one of the most anticipated titles of next gen, and its easy to see why.