Heavily inspired by the works of Stephen King and the television series Twin Peaks, Alan Wake is a psychological and supernatural investigative thriller about a writer named Alan Wake. In the game, Alan has gone to a small lake town for a getaway with his wife. Unbeknownst to him, his wife planned this trip as a way to help him overcome his writer’s block. It has been quite some time since his last novel, and she is determined to help him find his writer’s voice again. A series of mysterious events occur, plunging the town into darkness, and Alan’s wife disappears. As the story unfolds, Alan realizes that his writings have come to life, and he must write a way to save the town and rescue his wife. Utilizing unique gameplay, pitting light vs darkness, the game keeps you on your toes. Simply put, Alan Wake is a masterclass in character and plot writing, with enjoyable gameplay helping pace the narrative. With Remedy Entertainment now having the full intellectual and publishing rights to the Alan Wake IP maybe now we will all have a chance to play the sequel we’ve been craving.