When Disney first announced their exclusivity deal with Electronic Arts (EA) for Star Wars games, it was met with fierce criticism and negativity. Fans were extremely wary of EA, and did not trust them. The lack of a single player campaign in the rebooted Battlefront, the loot-box/pay to win fiasco launch of Battlefront II, and the canceling of other Star Wars games in development, only made this mistrust stronger. However, just as things were at their bleakest, Respawn came in. Respawn is an acclaimed developer, owned by EA, who created the mega hit, APEX and the cult hit, Titanfall series. They announced that the studio was working on a brand new Star Wars game, Jedi: Fallen Order. This title would be set during the “Dark Times”, the period of time between Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and Episode IV: A New Hope. Players would assume the role of a young Padawan who survived Order 66, and was in hiding from the Empire. This announcement was met with much excitement, but fans were still cautious about trusting EA. Fast forward to the game’s release, garnering critical and commercial success, and fans were exhilarated. Their hopes for another excellent Star Wars title, were finally answered.

     Fallen Order, is in essence, Sekiro and Tomb Raider mixed together in a Star Wars setting. The combat is methodical and punishing, with a strong emphasis on parrying and studying an opponent’s patterns, (Sekiro inspiration). Exploration and traversal of beautiful worlds and environments is also a fundamental element of the game, (Tomb Raider inspiration). It is clear from the very beginning of the game, that respawn has done their homework, and knows what its like to be fully immersed in the Star Wars universe. By the time the end credits roll, it’s no longer just impressive, the experience they have created is absolutely exemplary. The story is incredible, (and completely Canon), with Cal Kestis, BD-1, Second Sister, and other new characters making wonderful additions to the Star Wars family. Worlds, both known and new are stunningly crafted and full of life. The exhaustive attention to detail and sheer amount of customization available for Cal’s lightsaber and appearance are truly impressive. By the time the game was over, I was left eagerly awaiting a sequel, (or story DLC, if that’s the path they choose). Faith in Star Wars games has been restored. I don’t say this lightly, but Fallen Order is hands down, the best Star Wars game since the Original Xbox, PS2, and GameCube era. In fact, it’s one of the very best ever made, period. If you are a Star Wars fan, you owe it so yourself to play this game; an absolute masterpiece. Bravo Respawn! May the Force be with you.